Biotin: B complex vitamins (also known as vitamin H) play a key role in metabolism and transporting carbon dioxide (oxygen) throughout your body. They also fuel the protein infrastructure that makes up hair, skin, and nails.

Saw Palmetto: Saw Palmetto aids in blocking the enzyme 5-alpha-reductase from allowing testosterone from being converted into dihydrotestosterone (dht).

Keratin: The family of Keratin proteins are the most important building blocks of our hair, skin, and nails making up the structure and outer layers.

Niacin: Niacin aids in the metabolism of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates in the body.
Zinc: Zinc is an essential building block of all of our bodies cells. It also regulates hormone levels (dht) and aids in the absorption of other nutrients.

Vitamin A: while vitamin a is more closely associated with maintaining healthy vision, it also plays an important role in turning immature skin cells into growing, mature epidermal cells.

Vitamin B12 100mcg: regulates cellular metabolism, dna replication, and red blood cell formation. Dna replication is critical for new and existing hair cells to form and grow.

Vitamin C: amongst numerous other benefits, vitamin c plays a necessary role in iron absorption and collagen formation. It also strengthens our skin, connective tissue, blood vessels, bones, etc.

Vitamin D: When hair follicles are in the anagen phase they need vitamin D to form and grow into the healthy heair that we see. It also reduces stress and depression which promote healthy hair.

Vitamin E: Stimulant for the growth of all of the bodies capillaries providing proper blood flow throughout the body, scalp and heart most importantly.

Fish Oil: Being very high in healthy omega3 fatty acids, fish oil regulates the bodys functions to trigger hair growth. The proteins and nutrients nourish the follicles and strengthen hair roots to aid in minimizing fall out.

Lysine: Lysine is an important building block of collagen, specifically aiding in the absorption of calcium. Calcium is required in the formation of collagen in hair, skin, and nails.

Aloe 50mg: Aloes proteolitic enzymes help remove dead skin cells from the body and scalp opening up pores allowing follicles to get the proper oxygen and nutrients needed.

Cayenne: Promotes blood circulation throughout the body and around hair follicles.

Please review all ingredients carefully and consult your physician if you have any questions, concerns, or allergies to any of the above.